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This is the verbatim text of the expr.h include file.
/* Sun-$Revision: 23.6 $ */

/* Copyright 1992-9 Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Stanford University.
   See the LICENSE file for license information. */

# pragma interface

// Exprs represent parsed Self objects that haven't been turned into real
// (Self-level) objects yet.

struct SlotList;
struct Slot;
struct Object;
struct ArgSlot;
struct ArgSlotList;

struct Expr: ParseNode {
  char*   source_file;
  fint    source_line;
  fint    source_column;
  char*   source_start;
  fint    source_length;
  Parser* parser; // for error messages

  char* source_end() { return source_start + source_length; }
  Expr(Parser* p) { 
    source_file = source_start = ""; 
    source_line = source_column = source_length = 0;
    parser = p;}

  Expr(char* start, char* end, char* file, fint line, fint col, Parser* p) { 
    source_start  = start;
    source_length = end - start;
    source_file = file;
    source_line = line;
    source_column = col;
    parser = p;
  virtual bool IsSend()             { return false; }
  virtual bool IsBinary()           { return false; }
  virtual bool IsKeyword()          { return false; }
  virtual bool IsReturn()           { return false; }
  virtual bool IsSelf()             { return false; }
  virtual bool IsObject()           { return false; }
  virtual bool IsMethod()           { return false; }
  virtual bool isConstant()         { return false; }
  virtual oop  get_label()      {    
    ErrorMessage("branch destination must be a constant");
    return badOop; }

  virtual bool ContainsMethod()     { return false; }
  virtual Expr* AddArg(ArgSlot* arg, Parser* parser);
  virtual Expr* AddArgs(ArgSlotList* args, Parser* parser);
  virtual oop Eval(bool printing = false, bool inSlot = false);

  void ErrorMessage(char* msg);

  fint position_in_method(Object* parent);

struct ExprListElement: ListElement {
  ExprListElement(Expr* d, ExprListElement* n = 0) : ListElement(d, n) {}
  Expr* Data() { return (Expr*) ListElement::Data(); }
  ExprListElement* Next() { return (ExprListElement*) ListElement::Next(); }

struct ExprList: List {
  ExprList() : List() {}
  ExprList(Expr* e) : List(e) {}
  ExprListElement* Head() { return (ExprListElement*) List::Head(); }
  ExprListElement* Tail() { return (ExprListElement*) List::Tail(); }
  ExprList* Append(Expr* e) { return (ExprList*) List::Append(e); }

struct Pop: Expr {
  Pop(char* start, char* end, char* file, fint line, fint col, Parser* p)
    : Expr(start, end, file, line, col, p) {}
  bool GenByteCodes(AbstractByteCode* b, Object* parent, bool isExpr = true);
  void Print();

struct Self: Expr {
  Self(char* start, char* end, char* file, fint line, fint col, Parser* p)
    : Expr(start, end, file, line, col, p) {}
  bool IsSelf() { return true; }
  bool GenByteCodes(AbstractByteCode* b, Object* parent, bool isExpr = true);
  void Print();

struct Constant: Expr {
  oop value;
  Constant(oop v, Parser* p) : Expr(p) { value = v; }

  Constant(oop val, char* start, char* end, char* file, fint line, fint col, Parser* p)
    : Expr(start, end, file, line, col, p) { 
      value = val;
  bool isConstant() { return true; }
  oop  get_label() { return value; }
  bool GenByteCodes(AbstractByteCode* b, Object* parent, bool isExpr = true);

  oop Eval(bool printing = false, bool inSlot = false) {
    return printing ? Expr::Eval(printing, inSlot) : value; }
  void oops_do(oopsDoFn f) { (*f)(&value); }

struct Integer: Constant {
  Integer(int32 v, Parser* p) : Constant(as_smiOop(v), p) {}

  Integer(int32 v, char* start, char* end, char* file, fint line, fint col, Parser* p)
    : Constant(as_smiOop(v), start, end, file, line, col, p) {}
  void Print();

struct Float: Constant {
  Float(float v, Parser* p) : Constant(as_floatOop(v), p) {}
  Float(float v, char* start, char* end, char* file, fint line, fint col, Parser* p)
    : Constant(as_floatOop(v), start, end, file, line, col, p) {}
  void Print();

struct StringLiteral: Constant {
  StringLiteral(String* v, Parser* p) 
  : Constant(new_string(v->AsCharP(), v->len), p) {}

  StringLiteral(String* v, char* start, char* end, char* file, fint line, 
                fint col, Parser* p)
    : Constant(new_string(v->AsCharP(), v->len), start, end, file, line, col, p){}
  void Print();

struct Object: Constant {
  SlotList* slots;
  ExprList* body;
  char*     annotation;

  // excluded the slots and the parentheses of the object.
  char* source_body_start;
  fint  source_body_length;
  fint  source_body_line;
  fint  source_body_column;

  bool isDeferred; // true if this is a block.

  Object(SlotList* slots, 
         ExprList* body, 
         bool      isDeferred,
         char*     source_file, 
         fint      source_line,
         fint      source_column,
         char*     source_start,
         fint      source_length,
         fint      source_body_line,
         fint      source_body_col,
         char*     source_body_start,
         fint      source_body_length,
         Parser*   p);
  bool IsObject() { return true; }
  bool IsMethod() { return !isDeferred && body->Length() != 0; }
  bool ContainsMethod();
  Expr* AddArg(ArgSlot* arg, Parser* parser);
  Expr* AddArgs(ArgSlotList* args, Parser* parser);

  bool GenBody(Object* parent);
  bool GenByteCodes(AbstractByteCode* b, Object* parent, bool isExpr = true);
  // check NLRSupport::have_NLR_through_C() after calling this!

  void addCommentAnnotations(Scanner* scanner);
  oop Eval(bool printing = false, bool inSlot = false) {
    return  printing  ||  GenBody(0)
      ?  oop(Constant::Eval(printing, inSlot))
      :  oop(badOop);
  void oops_do(oopsDoFn f);
  void Print();

inline fint Expr::position_in_method(Object* parent) {
  return parent != NULL
    ? source_start - parent->source_body_start
    : 0;

struct Return: Expr {
  Expr* result;
  Return(Expr* r, char* start, char* end, char* file, fint line, fint col,
         Parser* p) 
    : Expr(start, end, file, line, col, p) { result = r; }
  bool IsReturn() { return true; }
  bool GenByteCodes(AbstractByteCode* b, Object* parent, bool isExpr = true);
  void oops_do(oopsDoFn f) { Expr::oops_do(f); result->oops_do(f); }
  void Print();

// return anno + separtator + comment_keyword + comment.
char* extend_annotation_with_comment(char* anno, Token* comment);

// return anno + separator + string.
char* extend_annotation_with_string(char* anno, Token* string);

Generated at Tue Jun 27 12:09:41 2000 for SelfVM by doxygen 1.0.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1999